Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Congo (Africa)

48 Women raped every hour in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Tho Congo, deemed "the worst place on Earth to be a woman" has had a study of the incidents of rape, and the numbers are staggering. The report shows that 1,152 women are raped everyday. Even in non-conflict areas rape has become an all to common incident for women ages 15-49. And these reports come from the women who actually spoke up, studies have said that as many as 75% percent of women never come forward about their rapes. The United Nations calls the rape in the Congo "a weapon of war."

There have been reports of young women and elderly women being gang raped by armed militia. Women are often afraid to speak up for fear that they'll be abandoned by their husbands. 

UN has been investigating these reports but the problem still stands: "the important message remains: that rape and sexual slavery have become amazingly commonplace in this region of the DRC and have defined this conflict as a war against women". Other countries, among them the U.S, don't offer refugees from the Congo asylum because mass rape of women isn't defined as persecution. The sad truth is that these women who will have to deal with rape all their lives from an extremely young age, will most likely die in the Congo, never bettering themselves because they can't escape.

Rape victim in the Congo.

Thanks to donations and the resilience of the woman of the Congo however, a new center for women has been opened named City of Joy in Bukavu. It provides medical care for women that have been brutalized. The story of the creation of this center is one of tragedy, unspeakable cruelty, but ultimately hope.

The women builders of City of Joy celebrating the opening of the center.

One of the women who advocated the building of the center was Jeanne, a native of the Congo. She as a young woman, was tied to a tree and and raped for weeks. She traveled and had paid for, and put her body through extensive surgery to repair the damage done by these militia men who brutalized her only to return home and be raped once again. During one of these attacks she had become pregnant. She was forced to give birth in front of the militia men, and the baby died. After she escaped to a hospital, she again went through extensive surgery to repair the damage. She may never have children again. She however, recounted her story in front of politicians of the Congo:

"When you look at me, what do you see? Do you see me as an animal? Because you are letting animals treat me like one. You, the government, if it was your children, would you stop it? You, you white people: if this violence was happening in your country, would you 
end it?" Hundreds of other survivors of sexual violence in the audience cheer wildly.

27 year old Jeanne

The gynecologists of the Center say that they have encountered injuries that were very hard to swallow. Young women, little girls, older women, who's reproductive organs have been destroyed by men, glass bottles, guns, and sticks. A civil rights activist Christine Schuler-Deschryver also helped involve women of the town to build the center. She recounts how she became an activist:

"When Dr Mukwege told me about these injuries, we were very afraid," she says. "And then, in 2000, I was in my office when a woman ran in with a baby girl, 18 months old, her legs both broken back – the baby had been raped. She died in my car on the way to Panzi hospital. I ran into the cathedral with the dead baby in my arms, shouting at God. And that 
was the day I became a radical fighter."

The Congo has been ravaged by civil war, and has a history of cruelty and death. King Leopold II of Belgium ran a genocidal regime to harvest its precious resources. Congo is rich in minerals such as Diamonds,rubber, gold, and avocados. But this has sadly led to exploitation by developed countries and after independence conflicts and civil war among the people themselves. Congo has 80% of Africa's mineral reserves and reserves of silicone which we use in American in our computers, cell phones, and other electronics in high demand. The rise in technology and violence in the Congo have grown exponentially, at the same rate. So think about how many women and men had been enslaved, and have been killed over the parts inside your precious cell phone. The conflict in the Congo has been instrumented by the people who participated in the Rwandan Genocide in the 1990's The FDLR a rebel militia group who implements child soldiers and young girls as sex slaves. Ultimately the UN has connected the fall of Congolese society and chaos to these mass rapes.  "If you destroy women, you destroy the Congo," Ensler says. "Raping women is the cheapest and most effective way to instil fear in and humiliate a community. It doesn't even cost a bullet."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Middle Eastern Women

Officials for the Olympic committee are reporting that Saudi Arabia finally allowed it's women athletes to compete in the London Olympics. This is a huge step forward for a country known for its oppressive nature when it comes to women. Among these women athletes in Sarah Attar, she runs track and field.

Sarah Attar at the 2012 London Olympics.


The story of 10 year old Zaib Aslam, is one that hear in America is shocking and heartbreaking, but in Pakistan is all to common place. This little girl was on the bus on her way to school when she, and her mother were attacked by her older sister's ex fiance and other men. They flung sulfuric acid they had bought for 88 cents at the store, at this little girl's face. her mother even swallowed some causing scars on her throat and face. Now her mother says, she doesn't want to go to school because she says she is ugly and can't stand seeing other girls her age look normal. She hides away in her room with a pink shawl over her scarred face. She is not like most 10 year old watching TV and having slumber parties with her friends because of this brutal, senseless act of violence.

Pictured above, Pakistani acid attack victim Fakhra Younus had endured more than three dozen surgeries over more than a decade to repair her severely damaged face and body when she finally decided to end her life in March of this year. She was attacked at 21 years old by her husband of 3 years when she left him due to physical and verbal abuse. He doused her in acid while her 5 year old son slept next to her. She committed suicide at 33 in Rome, Italy, her husband was never arrested, he is the son of a Pakistani politician, therefore he is almost untouchable.

The Pakistani government have done little to nothing in other acid attacks, but after the documentary by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy who won an Oscar this year for "Saving Face," her documentary on victims of acid attacks, the Pakistani government has met with criticism and been pressured to pass legislation rewarding acid attack victims. It passed in December, and the perpetrator of such a crime could spend 14 years to life in prison, and pay a fine of $11,000. The Pakistani Government doesn't keep track of acid attacks, but the Acid Survivors Foundation, a Pakistani advocacy group for victims, estimates that 150 occur each year. The majority of the victims are women, and attacks are often an escalation of domestic violence. Meaning a woman's own husband could douse her with acid, for any reason without penalty since a wife is a husband's "property".

Here is the trailer to the documentary "Saving Face":


American Women

American Women

What does Mitt Romney think of American Women's Health Services?
Here's what he has to say:

This website is funded by Planned Parenthood and other organizations that offer birth control services, cancer screening, and overall womens' health services. These services are in jeopardy because of the upcoming elections for President, the Republican Candidate Mitt Romney, and his running mate Paul Ryan have vowed to cut funding from these services which could lead to higher teen pregnancies, more  cervical, breast, and ovarian cancer deaths, and as a result we will all have to deal with the strain of a population reliant on welfare to get by. Not to mention, the free and lost cost STD/STI and HIV/AIDS testing that these clinics provide. Who wants people running around with HIV/AIDS, Herpes, Syphillis and not even know it, or have the money to get proper treatment? 

Romney also refused to answer a question asked by Diane Sawyer, of whether he would pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which only aims at securing women;s paychecks, this is increasingly important with the increase of single women households and women being the breadwinners for their self and their children. There is a consistent gap of paychecks between women and men, and more so for ethnic minority women such as African American and Latino women. This act ensures a fair paycheck and aims at lessening this gap of income. However, Mitt Romney refuses to say what his view is on this Bill.

Again American woman are allowed to vote and therefore voice their opinions on who we are siding with in this year's presidential election. However, in many other countries women are still not allowed to voice their opinions like we Americans are. So this is a precious gift we are blessed with and should be appreciated.

My first blog :) let me know what you guys think!